Schedule Text message on iphone 14 How To Schedule Text Messages On iPhone 14, 14 Pro, And 14 Pro Max

How To Schedule Text Messages On iPhone 14, 14 Pro, And 14 Pro Max

This Techschumz article talks about the best and easiest way to set up text messages on your iPhone for your loved one’s birthdays and special events.

You might need to set a reminder for any events, such as your friends and family’s birthdays or anniversaries. Almost every day, you might need to write a quick note to your friend before leaving for somewhere, and doing so on an iPhone might be time-consuming. Because Apple doesn’t specifically include this feature in the Messages app, scheduling messages is challenging. But if you use the shortcut app on your iPhone, you can set it to send text messages at a certain time every day. There are many ways that a message can be sent at a certain time and date. Reminders that can be sent to friends and family can be planned out in advance. Apple’s Messages app makes staying in touch easy for Apple users on the Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac. Pins, shared messages, emojis, and other effects help keep things organized.

Schedule Text Messages On iPhone 14 Pro/Max in iOS 16

To plan a message forward for the occasions so you don’t miss them, follow the following steps.

Step 1. To begin, open your iPhone’s “Shortcut” app.

Go to the "Shortcut" app.
Launch the “Shortcut” app.

Step 2. Next, tap on “Automation” at the bottom of the app screen.

Tap on "Automation" at the bottom of the app page.
Tap on “Automation”

Step 3. Now to create automation on your iPhone, tap on “Create Personal Automation”.

Now tap to "Create Personal Automation"
Select the “Create Personal Automation” option.

Step 4. Then you will be provided with a list of options for the automation, so select the “Time of Day” option.

Choose the "Time of Day" for your automation.
Tap on “Time of Day”

Step 5. Here you choose a time of the day for your scheduled message and you can set a time yourself as well, so tap on “Time” under the time of day and set your time.

Then to set a time for automation tap on "Time"
Set time by tapping on “Time”

Step 6. Now if you want the schedule to repeat, select “Daily, Weekly, or Monthly” as your own wish. If you choose weekly, you can customize the “Days” as well by tapping on the days under the “Weekly” option.

Select "Weekly" and customize the days also.
Choose “Weekly”

Step 7. After customizing the day, tap on “Next” to continue.

Tap on "Next"
Select the “Next” option.

Step 8. After that, tap on the “Send Message” option.

After setting the time and day, choose the "Send Message" option.
Select “Send Message”

Step 9. Then tap on “Message” and type the message that you want to send.

Type a message by tapping on the "Message" beside send.
add a message.

Step 10. And tap on “Recipient” beside the text you have entered recently.

Tap on "Recipient" to add a contact to whom you want to send a message.
Add a recipient.

Step 11. To add the person you want to send the message to, search for “Name” and tap on it, and after selecting tap on “Done

Choose a contact and tap on the "Done" option.
Add contact and tap on “Done”

Step 12. To add the automation, tap on the “Next” button in the upper right corner.

Tap "Next" in the upper right corner.
Tap “Next”

Step 13. If you want the automation to ask you before it runs, toggle on the “Ask Before Running” option and tap on “Done” to complete the process.

Tap to turn on the "Ask Before Running" option.
Toggle on the “Ask Before Running” option.

Step 14. Now to finish the process of creating personal automation tap on “Done

Tap "Done" to add the automation.
Tap on “Done”

Finally, you have scheduled a text message on your iPhone to prevent time consumption.

Finally, you have scheduled a text message.
Automation created.

Final Words

So now that you have learned how to schedule a message in the iPhone 14 series so that you do not waste time texting someone, you can also schedule the wish messages for birthdays or other special occasions you do not want to miss. Finally, if you have any questions or suggestions, share them with us in the comments section below.

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